Drybrushed Chest of Drawers
I found this little beauty about in the back of a huge shed full of junk that I found through craigslist advertised as an “estate sale”. It was a real-life version of the show Hoarding: Buried Alive on TLC. Seriously. Sheds FULL of furniture. A treasure trove for someone like me!
I was so excited! It had all of the original hardware and only a little damage. Score! Under all that nastiness was a really wonderful piece.
Here she is all gussied up! I tried out a new technique (drybrushing) on this piece and I love how it turned out. There will definitely be more drybrushing in my future.
I love it when I can not only use the original hardware, but I would have chosen the exact same hardware. It’s like it was meant to be!
I’m so torn on whether or not to sell it. I have the perfect spot for it, but I also promised myself I wouldn’t keep every piece I refinish.
What would you do?
Suzie Wible
Suzie has shared her knowledge for over 10 years about building furniture, painting techniques, how to build your dream home, and basic to advanced woodworking skills. Through this blog, readers will feel empowered to create a home and products they love too.
It is gorgeous! I would have a hard time selling that one too. When I am not so sure about selling something, I price it a little high on craigslist. That way if it sells I made some extra $$ and if it doesn’t, oh well. I guess I can keep it:)
Great idea! I’ll definitely do that 🙂
I’m so glad you stopped over!I’m excited to see all of your upcoming posts! I tried to find the perfect name for a “refurbished furniture blog” for ever…why didn’t I think of ‘the accent piece?’ It’s perfect !
Thank you 🙂 I was surprised it wasn’t taken! I love your blog by the way!
I love how it turned out!
Thanks, I really appreciate it!
that is a great little number You finished it so nicely. I love the unique furniture out there
Thank you!
That looks great. I would keep it if you have the perfect spot for it. Thanks for sharing it at WUW.
It looks terrific! I love the handles. Dry brushing was a great technique for this piece! Love it.
I’d love for you to join my giveaway for 2 canvas pillows going on now! http://www.alittleknickknack.com. Happy 4th!
Great! thanks!
That is so pretty! You did a fab job on the dry brushing!
Thank you!!
i love that! the finish is awesome, and i love the little scallop by the feet in front- so cute!
Thanks 🙂
Found you over at the Primitive & Proper linky party. I’m not usually a fan of the distressed look, as I refinish my pieces all glossy and fresh, but I do really like the look of this dry brush technique. And those little pulls are just the sweetest — I’ve been thinking of buying some to use for a dresser that’s in my queue of pieces to refinish. I think Sarah (above) had a great idea to price it high on Craigslist and if it doens’t sell, then you keep it!
Glad you like it! I actually did take her advice and it sold yesterday! I’m only kind of regretting it – next time I’ll price it a little higher 🙂
I would keep it. It turned out beautiful!!! Martina
Gorgeous piece. I love how tall and slender it is.
Beautiful finish and hardware. My vote is to keep it. 1) It’s beautiful. 2) Lots of storage. 3) You have the perfect spot for it.
I would keep it–it is not a piece you see everyday….and you did such s perfect job of refinishing it…..
Wow, this is SO incredible! You must have been excited to find such an amazing piece!
This is so very beautiful!! I love the original hardware and you did such great finish work!! Thanks for linking to All Things Furniture!
I see so many transformed pieces that inspire me, that I decided to start at weekly “Metamorphosis Monday” feature on my blog. I like your tall chest so much that I included it today. http://www.imbusyprocrastinating.com/2011/07/metamorphosis-monday-1.html
Wow, thanks!
Love this one. I’ll buy it if you sell it!
So so beautiful!! How do you dry brush it? I love that look
Can you give a tutorial on how to drybrush? There is no tutorials out there. I love the look!
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